About Me

Hello, my name is Brayan. I am a part-time Security Engineer and full-time student currently in my Senior year of a Cybersecurity bachelor’s. I’m incredibly passionate when it comes to technology and computing. My favorite topics include network security, ethical hacking, computer assembly, and programming. When I’m not studying for my college courses, you’ll find me completing CTF (Capture The Flag) challenges, going to the gym, enjoying a night out with my friends, playing video games, or playing sports like basketball and baseball.

I’ve always thought of myself as an inquisitive person, I enjoy learning about other science topics like astronomy and biology. I decided to start this website for others that share my passion. I will be posting about different projects that I’ve done (with a step-by-step guide included) and guides for people breaking into the cybersecurity field. If you have any questions about my posts, feel free to comment. I will respond as fast as I can.

Great Cybersecurity News Websites

Websites I Use For CTF’s and Cybersecurity Challenges